"We are more alike, my friends than we are unalike"
- Maya Angelou

About Sharing Humanity

Sharing Humanity is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, established in 2009 (tax id: 27-1219459). We represent a diverse group of individuals who are interested in removing the barriers of hatred, animosity, and fear by promoting kindness, compassion, and social responsibility. We are primarily concerned with connecting individuals interested in volunteering, curious to know what it's like to impact the lives of people you have never met, and driven by a desire for new experiences and friendships to each other and opportunities.

Most importantly, Sharing Humanity currently takes zero ($0.0 / nada/ zilch) percentage of overhead from donations made towards specific projects. Our operational, marketing, promotional costs are gathered from personal donations and are completely separate from money raised to build schools, support volunteers, and other projects. 100% (every single penny) of the money raised by volunteer teams always goes only towards what we have publicized. We maintain a high level of transparency and provide feedback after our trips are complete to let volunteers (and anyone) know how things have progressed since our last visit - for good or for bad. With that said, while we welcome your donations, we're also looking for volunteers.

Our logo

The Sharing Humanity logo originated from the idea of representing humanity as puzzle pieces that fit together to make the world we all share. Separately a piece is confusing, unsupported, and not representative of the full image...together it paints the whole picture and strengthens the pieces around it.

Please contact us for permission on using our logos, project images, or promotional material if you would like to help promote Sharing Humanity on your websites, blogs or social media feeds.

In the News